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  • Claire Portele

Matt Oakley is Proud to be a "Soldier's Son"

Matt Oakley’s newest single “Soldier’s Son” truly encapsulates what it means to have a loved one in the military. Between solemn lyrics and a reflective tone, Oakley reminisces on his childhood growing up with a parent in the Armed Forces; vulnerably sharing his experience with his listeners. Between worrying about his father’s well-being to watching his mother become a single parent during deployments, this single gives us a peek into the reality of the life of someone with a parent in the military. 

Oakley's newest project comes on the heels of his most recent song "Single This Summer", released in late August of this year.

Watch the "Single This Summer" music video HERE:

Being a military child isn’t easy– it’s a complicated role complete with a set of emotions and challenges that are unique to most children. “Soldier’s Son” is a story told retrospectively, with its author looking back on his experiences not with sadness, but with pride. Oakley delves into the tangible memories made during his father’s time away, holding his jacket and playing cassette tapes sent home from overseas, trying his best to remember the reasons why his father was fighting. The song “summarizes what it meant to be the son of a soldier, the things he taught me, and the gratitude I share for all that serve,” says Oakley proudly. 

Oakley’s voice reminds us that freedom is not gained without extreme sacrifice. While we get to enjoy our everyday liberties, we must remember that those liberties came at the cost of someone’s father, mother, son or daughter. Ultimately, “Soldier’s Son” is a call to action to hold your freedom close and your loved ones closer.

Listen to "Soldier's Son" HERE:

"Soldier's Son" is available wherever you listen to music. For more of Matt Oakley, listeners can follow him on social media @mattoakleymusic.


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